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Monday: Sore Feet

I walked across the Pont Alexandra to Gatineau. Everybody had told me to go to the Museum of Civilization, but I figured I'd walk around a bit first. Sara and I always make a point of stopping at local public libraries, so when I passed one on the Rue Laurier, I went in. Though the government building it was housed in was impressive, the library itself was quite small. But they had a surprisingly good collection of French comics, so I sat a while and a read a Lapinot ("Pichenettes") and a Monsieur Jean ("Femmes et enfants d'abord", which I thought was great).

I walked as far as Gatineau Park and realized I was getting pretty tired and it was time to be getting back. In the end a lot of the walk wasn't that interesting, and the sun was merciless. So I probably should have planned a little better.

Oh well. I ended the day with a pleasant dinner at the Byward Market and a bit more reading.